Join the 500,000+ marketers, news agencies, business owners, and influencers using Typito to grow.

How to make a photo video
Learn how to combine photos and videos online in 3 easy steps
Step 1: Upload your photos
Drag and drop to upload all the photos or video clips you want to combine into a video. You can also check out our collection full of royalty-free images and slideshow video templates.
Step 2: Create a video from photos
Rearrange your photos and video clips to create a perfect sequence. Edit, crop, trim, or resize video clips for better composition. Add music and text captions to give your photo video slideshow a creative edge.
Step 3: Download your video
Give your video a quick preview and hit the export button in the top right corner. Your photo video is ready to be shared.
Convert photos into a video instantly
With our easy-to-use photo to video maker, you can now stay on top of your video projects. Create engaging photo videos or slideshow posts for social media. Put together photo videos to memorialize special events or celebrations, use a photo montage to announce a product launch collection, and more. Add your photos from our high-quality stock media library, logos, text templates, subtitles, music, and more to your photo video.

Add music to your photo-videos
With our free online photo video maker oline, you can transform your photos into cool videos. Typito makes it effortless to turn images into a photo video with music. Upload your photos, rearrange them to tell your story, add stylish animated text and upbeat background music. Upload your music track and add it to your photo video, or browse our Music Library for royalty-free tracks.
Create, customize, and share
Grab attention and score new customers for your business with a photo video slideshow. Showcase your product in a fun new way with our online photo to video maker. Make a photo video from scratch or use a template from our Typito Video Template collection for photo slideshow templates that you can customize. Resize videos in a click and repurpose the same picture video across all your social media platforms.

Why use Typito’s photo video maker?
Grab attention and score new customers for your business with a photo video slideshow. Showcase your product in a fun new way with our online photo to video maker.
Add photos, logos, text templates, subtitles, music, and more to your photo video. Create a multimedia experience for your viewers that’s creative and convincing slideshow videos.
Video formats
Fit the whole video into the chosen frame and change the padding color if you want to. Repurpose the same picture video across all your social media platforms.
You're in good company
See why over 500,000+ video creators use Typito to design awesome videos with ease!
Typito helped the team focus on their creative side and think about what they are actually trained to do rather than worrying about trying to use the technology. And that's just been amazing.
Valerie Peay - Founder & Director, The International Observatory of Human Rights

By far the easiest program that I have used for making videos. Typito helps me look professional, add value, humor, and has led to higher click-throughs to videos on my website.
Pete Blank - Motivational Speaker

Not everyone has access to, or the chops to use Final Cut Pro or Adobe After Effects. Typito allows you to stitch or cut clips, add overlay titles, motion graphics, social media cards, and lower thirds. It allows even rookie editors to create magic.
Joyce Valenza - Asst. Professor at Rutgers University

Typito has allowed us to save a considerable amount of money and time, being able to make a big imact on the families that we support that are fighting cancer.
Tom Latourette - BTB Foundation, Beat Tom and Bill

Frequently Asked Questions
Making photo videos just got easier.
Typito is more than an online photo video maker. We have empowered individual video creators, marketers, and businesses to elevate their video marketing. Join 500,000+ people and create professionally designed photo videos with motion graphic text animations, captions, video templates, music, and publish videos in formats tailored for social media.
Want to be part of the video revolution?